

Holdem Hounds

An online, multiplayer implementation of Texas Hold'em with a dog theme. Written in full stack Javascript and deployed on AWS.



An open source React hook, available on npm, that fires a callback when an html element becomes visible. (Used by the 🔮 in this site's footer)


Election Simulator

A data visualization and simulation project that is designed to demonstrate a finding in political science called Duverger's Law. This project was a chance to tie together two things I love: data and social science.


Markov Maps

A data visualization tool that allows you to build a map, using drag and drop, that represents a markov decision process. You can then have a Q-Learning agent explore the map until it converges on a solution.


Dungeon Generator

A simple browser video game that allows you explore a randomly generated "dungeon" searching for the exit. The dungeons are generated using a modified random walk algorithm.


Portofolio Site

The site you are viewing! I used the wonderful React based static site generator, Gatsby. The site was created without using a premade theme, so it was mostly a design challenge.
